This afternoon has been all about relaxing here at our house. I've watered our lawn & spent some time outside with the dogs. I've done some fun reading. I even remembered to eat lunch! Albeit it was only a Lean Cuisine... I haven't heard from Don again, but I bet that I will in some form before the day is over! Tonight is girl's night. We're off to see the new Sex & The City movie. It's going to be so nice to get out of the house with some girls who are in the same boat as me! Or should I say...humvee?
Wouldn't it be nice to have wings that could carry us wherever we please? Bet you couldn't guess where I would go! Or...maybe you could. ♥ Where would you have your wings take you?! {Isn't it nice to dream...}
These beautiful images are from WeLoveIt.Com