Everything is great here: our yard is finally growing grass {we've been very diligent about seeding & watering, & it's paying off! Hooray!}, flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, & the dogs are happy. Every minute Don & I have together is treasured, & the two weeks we had with my parents were fantastic! God is so good, & His blessings are everywhere!
Don & his Artillery Battery had the day off today for winning a competition recently, & I couldn't think of a better way to reward them! A bit selfish, huh?! But it's been so nice spending the day together, relaxing, taking care of some things {aka taking Lucius to the Vet & making car appointments}, & watching too many episodes of our most recent TV show obsession, Weeds. Oh boy. {Please note: I do not at all endorse or approve of the theme! Yet...the show is so catchy!} Now, though, Don's headed to Post for a meeting & I am determined to get a lot done while he's gone! Laundry {oh, how it piles up...even after I've cleaned it. Whoops!}, mopping {re-seeding a yard + having two Great Danes = messy floor!}, & hopefully having time left over to paint my nails {Red My Fortune Cookie; thank you, Kim!}. Off I go!
I'll be back soon, I promise! What has been keeping you busy lately?!
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