Monday, April 26, 2010

Life & What's Most Important

Life, & all that it holds for me, has been so wonderful lately that I haven't wanted to neglect it in order to post here on the blog. Between my parents visiting & wanting to spend as much time as possible with Don, I haven't even paid much attention to my email recently. But starting tomorrow, life will pretty much be back to normal, & I'll have time to write while Don is busy at work! Just think of all that I have to share because of the time I took off!  I have to say though, I haven't felt at all "guilty" or "out of touch" because of my lack of connection with the online world.  It's been nice not to have the distraction while more important things {er, people!!} are by my side.  No matter how involved we become with technology, nothing is more important than the ones you love.  And so, blog readers, you can understand why I've been absent!

Everything is great here: our yard is finally growing grass {we've been very diligent about seeding & watering, & it's paying off!  Hooray!}, flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, & the dogs are happy.  Every minute Don & I have together is treasured, & the two weeks we had with my parents were fantastic!  God is so good, & His blessings are everywhere!

Don & his Artillery Battery had the day off today  for winning a competition recently, & I couldn't think of a better way to reward them!  A bit selfish, huh?!  But it's been so nice spending the day together, relaxing, taking care of some things {aka taking Lucius to the Vet & making car appointments}, & watching too many episodes of our most recent TV show obsession, Weeds.  Oh boy.  {Please note: I do not at all endorse or approve of the theme!  Yet...the show is so catchy!}  Now, though, Don's headed to Post for a meeting & I am determined to get a lot done while he's gone!  Laundry {oh, how it piles up...even after I've cleaned it.  Whoops!}, mopping {re-seeding a yard + having two Great Danes = messy floor!}, & hopefully having time left over to paint my nails {Red My Fortune Cookie; thank you, Kim!}.  Off I go!

I'll be back soon, I promise!  What has been keeping you busy lately?!

Photo courtesy of Photobucket.Com
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