{The wonderful Pride & Prejudice, Roman Holiday & Australia. Some of my favorite romances!}
Next Day Update: Thank you all SO MUCH for your wonderful wonderful suggestions! My Netflix Queue is looking oh so romantic now, thanks to all of you sweeties! I can't wait to see the movies I haven't seen before! I'll be sure to post about my favorites :)
And on a nerdy note... I've had a bit of a commenting snafu the last few days. As you've probably noticed, I use IntenseDebate for my comments here on the blog & not the standard Blogger commenting form. {I like this because it allows Comment Luv, which shows your latest post title whenever you comment! So awesome!} However, the last few posts have, for whatever reason, decided to revert back & forth between the two! So half the comments are with Blogger & the other half with IntenseDebate. Basically, if you don't see your comment here, have no fear! I did receive it {& love it!}, but I haven't figured out how to show both comment types at once. I think I've fixed the problem, though, so all future comments will be with IntenseDebate. Phew! ♥