I seem to have a bit of a theme on
my Tumblr page the last few days: cozy spaces. Maybe it's because I've been waking up around 6 AM every morning since I got back to Germany, which leaves me with visions of cozy beds & snuggly PJs each night starting around...er, 7! You know your sleep schedule still isn't quite on track when you want to curl up in bed & fall asleep that early! Anyway, here are some of my favorite places... Wouldn't they be perfect for a cat nap -- or a full night's sleep?!
And on a completely unrelated note {
except that I'd love to enjoy a slice of this bread while snuggled in one of the rooms shown above!}, my fellow bakers out there should check out this recipe for
Homemade Cinnamon Bread from The Italian Dish! Mmm, I can smell the sweetness now...