Friday, July 9, 2010

Hooray For Family!

Ninety-two degrees & no air conditioning--why, Germany?! Why?!

My wonderful little {6'4"} brother is here, & we're already having such a great time!  He's getting adjusted to the time change & sleeping well at night with Lucius as his snuggle buddy.  Lucius is in heaven!  Oh, to be given constant attention!  The entire house is more cheery since my brother got here :)

I'm in the middle of fixing dinner here, so this post will be short...  But I wanted to let you know I'm not MIA!  I'm just entertaining &, well, relaxing!  I showed my brother around Post today, re-seeded the lawn & did a bit of gardening, & I'm looking forward to doing some good reading tonight!  I love my current read, The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society.  Yes, that's right!  You know you're curious :)

I've still been able to talk to Don every day!  Isn't life fabulous, even through the difficult moments?  I'm focusing on the silver linings :)  I hope that you all have an absolutely fabulous weekend!!

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