A chilly but cozy 43 degrees at 11:49 am with a sky that seems to be promising a downpour of rain at any moment. The grass is green, the leaves are now out on all the trees, & tulips of every color can be seen across the neighborhood. It's officially Springtime in Germany.
Happy Friday, everyone! I hope that your week is coming to a wonderful end, with all your projects & goals completed! Here, all is well. I just took the dogs on a 30 minute fast & brisk walk in the sprinkling rain. I kept looking up at the sky full of gray clouds, trying to figure out which way the storm was blowing. Whether it's coming our way or not, we made it back home without getting drenched!
Looking back on this week, I can see that a lot has taken place!
- I picked up & planted most of my window boxes with pastel pink & fuchsia geraniums on Monday
- Don & I went to the Squadron FRG Meeting on Tuesday
- Blast! I can't remember what I did Wednesday! That means it must have been house work. Yes, I think I did all the laundry that day, including duvets & dog beds! That is an accomplishment!
- I found a German Auto Shop that spoke English & could take our car, along with calling ADAC to schedule a tow on Thursday! Hooray! It all worked out! And even more impressive, Don & I met the tow truck on Post, got the car, & took care of the paperwork at the Shop. Phew! We can now say that we've done all we can do...until we have to pay. Let's not think about that...
- Today, I helped a friend watch some kids {two very cute little boys} & we had a wonderful time watching Curious George, making monkey noises, & riding around the living room on a little elephant with wheels. Note: I did the pushing, not the riding, although they got such a kick out of it that maybe I should have let them push me!
And for your daily dose of my doggies, here's a few recent pictures! {I just found the very cool Picnik.Com & spent too long playing there! What a neat site for photo editing!}
Wishing each one of you a fabulous Friday & a wonderful Weekend!