Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ah, The Language Barrier

Today's mission, whether or not I choose to accept it, is to deal with our problem car that is still sitting in the parking lot of the Inspection Building.  What happened?!, you may ask.  Well, it failed miserably on it's inspection test last week & was slapped with a sticker reading "Unsafe To Operate."  Yeah, it was a nice day.

I just made a phone call to our Auto Shop of choice, & here is what the conversation sounded like:

Lady @ The Auto Shop:  "Hallo!  *Insert name of shop.*

Me:  "Hallo!  Spreken ze English?"

Lady @ The Auto Shop:  "...No."

*insert a few laughs from both of us, along with a little silent pause from me as I attempt to think of a plan.  I couldn't think of a plan.*

Me:  "...Ok!  Tschuss!"

Lady @ The Auto Shop:  "Tschuss!"

This is going to be fun.  Cross your fingers for me, please!
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