Friday, April 3, 2009

Update On Don @ Ranger School

Hey, everybody!  I hope you're all enjoying the blog so far!  :)

Got another letter from Don yesterday!  He still sounds great.  He is so good at knowing just how to handle difficult things, setting goals for himself to keep himself moving forward, always staying determined to do the job right!  He amazes me, really.

The weather in Georgia has been pretty rainy, & Don said it hasn't been much fun being out in that.  They've been climbing up Mt. Yonah, learning different techniques & how to make pulley systems for pulling a casualty up a mountain, etc.  "Pretty big mountain but no Rocky Mountain.  However, the mountain you are on is the only one that matters, & Mt. Yonah is pretty steep..."  That cracked me up a bit ;)  He said that some other guys compared te view from the top to views in Germany, & Don said that got him really excited for our move!

They finished their first 5 day field exercise today, & they being their second 5 day field exercise this Sunday through Thursday.  Then he has his next (& final!) break on the 11th!  Then off to Florida for the last phase!  Woohoo!

A big thanks to any of you who have sent something to Don!  Every little bit of encouragement & support helps!  He's doing great & I'm so proud of him!

What an amazing man I married :)

--------- Oh!  And just to spice things up a bit, I'm going to start putting in some of my favorite old pictures of Don & I together!  Always fun to see & share :)  This picture is of us at West Point's Yearling Winter Weekend, which took place in February of 2006 (Don's second year at West Point.)  ---------