It shines! I nearly gasped as I drove home from Post & saw that the Mini's thermometer read 49 degrees! And *brace yourselves* I had to put my visor down to shield my eyes from the sun! BEAUTIFUL! The fields were green & free of snow, the sky was blue with few clouds to be seen, & yard is a mud pit. Okay, not
quite that bad, but pretty much. Last year was worse, I'll say that. But whatever happens to all the grass I spend all summer planting?! I think the snow monster must eat it. Or my very large dogs must play too rough on it...
The sun didn't stay out for long, but it sure was nice to see him shining so brightly for a while :) Now, 5 PM & it's dark. I'm ready to make a quick & yummy dinner, pour myself some Riesling, & watch something good on TV while I knit a baby blanket :)
Hope you are having a wonderful Friday! Another week down! And another set of fun pictures that I hope you enjoy from my
It's A Keeper Tumblr page! ♥