Friday, December 10, 2010

We're Halfway Done With Deployment!

We've done it!  Six months down!  We're halfway to the finish line, the end of this separation, the incredible reunion that will mark the completion of this deployment!  Hallelujah!!!  Afghanistan, you're going to have to give my husband back very soon :)

The time has actually gone by fairly quickly, looking back on it.  The days are oh so slow & the nights can be even longer, but 182.62 of the 365 days are OVER!  {Not that I'm counting or anything....oops, you know that isn't true!}  Wahoo!!!  Let's get this thing taken care of, baby, so we can be back together where we belong!  You're incredible, but I want you home now, please!  ♥

Here's to the time flying by & a safe & speedy return this Spring!  I'm so proud of my sweetie for what he does on a daily basis!  Sometimes I get so used to it all, but then I stop & think, "My husband is protecting our country every day!"  I'm one very proud wife ♥

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