Monday, August 23, 2010

New Distractions, & Love Above All Else

Tomorrow, a dear friend of mine & I are going to try out a women's Bible Study on Post!  {Protestant Women of the Chapel, or PWOC.  Of course, everything military related is known by its acronym!}  It's something I've been meaning to do since, well, last May when we moved here to Germany! But, as always, not everything gets done when you'd like it to! Regardless, I'm proud of us for getting out & doing something new! Perhaps we will make some great new friends & find ourselves a new distraction for the next year :)

I hope it will be a wonderful surprise!  ♥
Don & I had such a fun talk on the phone tonight!  It's so good to talk with him & be ourselves.  No big discussion about how hard it is to be apart or how we want this year to go by so quickly!  Yes, we miss each other like mad.  Yes, I wish this deployment was over!  But we have each other & we're doing this together, in love.

...taken the night that he left for the desert...
More than I'm an Army wife & he is my soldier, we are a couple.  A happy, smiling, in love couple!  And oh, it's important for that to come first ♥  That is who we are!  What we do shouldn't make us.  And when he tells me about his day {as much as he can tell me!}, I still beam with pride & admiration!  I don't think I will ever stop being impressed with what he does, what my husband does!  And it should be that way :)

Ooh, now here is another cozy nook I'd like to curl up in with my book!
Off I go to read before bed {I cannot put down Outlander!  Thanks for the tip, ladies!}.  Goodnight, lovelies!  Hug your sweeties, & give them each a kiss!  Love first, before all the cares & issues of the day.  LOVE
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