And this weekend, I've been drinking more tea than usual. Much more! That's what being sick will do to you. Poor me! But it's easier with a tasty cup of tea, & honey! I think that I need to resupply, however. My collection is running dangerously low! My two favorite brands of tea are Celestial Seasonings & The Republic of Tea -- I'll have to stock up when I go home! I think this Hot Apple Cider Tea sounds delicious for fall!

And I have such a cute tea kettle too! My brother got it for me for Christmas last year. Ah, a Chantal Bridge teapot! Mine is Tiffany blue, to match my Kitchen Aid Mixer! But the green one is awfully cute, & I like all the glasses pictured here too! From Chantal.Com
Thank you all so much for your sweet comments about my last post. I am feeling much better today {emotionally, at least!} & have made up my mind to make the best of all that this next year has to offer. Whether I keep myself busy with knitting classes & Bible Studies or I find a way to go home for a while, I will remember that this is temporary. And that God is with us! Helping us each step of the way. Your notes made me smile. I have fabulous readers ♥ Thank you, dears! And a big welcome to you all who are new! Hello!
{ Fun fact: Did you know that my parents live 10 minutes from the Celestial Seasonings headquarters?! It's true! And I wish that I could go there now... On their free tour, they open the door to the Peppermint Room & let you take a whiff! It's a sure cure for a cold! }