Needless to say, they are a big hit! But we're ready to have our real Daddy home! Oh, & don't worry...I didn't put Don's face on these dolls; that would have just been strange!
My brother left today. I hate goodbyes. His five week visit with me was wonderful, though, so I can't help but smile even though he is gone! He spoiled me, he censored any news on TV for me, he took me out to the movies a lot... Basically, he was the wonderful brother that he always has been :) What a blessing it was to have him here to keep me busy & happy! I love my brother! And as I drove 130 MPH on the autobahn to get back home, I kept wishing that it could be just that easy to get home to Colorado--to hop in the car with the dogs & a suitcase & know that I'd be with family when the drive was over! The Ocean in between us does pose a bit of an issue, unfortunately. It sure will be nice to be with family for Christmas!
As Lushie sticks his head into the closet hoping for another 2 cups of food for dinner, he also reminds me that I need to eat. So off I go for my first dinner alone in 5 weeks. Wish me luck! I may cave & just warm up a Lean Cuisine, as lame as that is... And I know I will curl up & watch an episode of Leverage, wishing my brother was here to join me!