11:30 am & 78 degrees. Thank goodness it has cooled down! The dogs are asleep on their beds {& are in need of a bath!}, my brother is asleep on the sofa, & although I could definitely take a nap myself, I feel like cleaning & mowing & doing laundry. What is wrong with me?! *** Don is doing great! He's in the location where he will be staying for the remainder of the deployment. He's roughing it a bit, but happy to be a bit more settled. No more living out of his ruck sack!
I'm home! We got back last night after driving from Salzburg to Munich {where we had dinner at the Hofbrauhaus} & finally home. My brother sure got a kick out of driving on the autobahn! We had a great time on our trip! London, Munich, & Salzburg. That's a good list! I'm going to write more about our trip later, but for now, here's a picture of me jumping in front of the Tower of London! Pretty good, huh?! I'd like to think so :)
Did you know that the Tower of London is actually an entire castle? Not just a Tower at all! |