But I'm determined to make sure that I pull out of the slump that was brought on by this morning's incidents. "When life gives you lemons", & all that jazz, right? First, I need to eat. Why is it so hard to remember to eat when you're fixing a meal only for yourself? Second, back to Post {I know where you are now, little camera!} to complete a task I wasn't even able to begin this morning. Third, I must go to the gym, if only to relieve a little stress! Fourth, to the Commissary to get food for a yummy dinner. I deserve that after my morning! And fifth, back home to read read read. {With 75 pages to go in my 800 page "Shadow of the Moon", I can't wait to see how it finishes!} Hopefully, after all this, this morning's problems will seem easy to handle!
When you have a rotten day, what do you do to make yourself feel better? I sure hope you all, my wonderful readers, have a delightful day where nothing goes wrong at all! ♥