Saturday, July 4, 2009

Chicago Wedding Weekend! ♥

We're here!  Back in the USA!  Woohoo!  How nice to be able to speak to everyone, read signs, understand what's being said on every TV channel...  But I do miss "home"; I miss Germany!  And the pony :)

We had a great & easy trip here last night.  Uneventful, which is always good!  Don slept for about 2 hours on the plane, but not me!  Finished one book, started another, & watched 2 movies!  I slept like a baby last night, but Don & I woke up around 2:30 & had to force ourselves to go back to sleep!  Now, it's about 11:30pm & Don is out with the Groom & the rest of the guys.  I just got back from The Cheesecake Factory with the Bride & the girls (mmm!  And I have leftovers!) & am so tired!  Before we know it, we'll be trying to get readjusted to Germany time!  But with all of the jetlag & the hours of traveling, it is so worth it to be here with Amy & Gerry to help celebrate their marriage!  They are such good friends, a fabulous couple, & Don & I are so thankful to be with them this weekend!

The wedding is going to be beautiful!  And Don is the best man & also in the Saber Arch after the Ceremony, so I will definitely have plenty of pictures!  I love the Saber Arch :)  The Reception is going to be so much fun, complete with Fourth of July fireworks!!!!!!!!!  What a way to celebrate!

Congratulations in advance to our wonderful wonderful Amy & Gerry!!