Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Scheduling Shipments, Panoramic Views, Nicholas Cage, & More...

Well, today we will be taking the next step in the process of what needs to be done before we can move to Germany! We are headed into the Shipping Office this afternoon to schedule the packing & shipment of all our belongings.

We've been told that overseas shipments take roughly 60-90 days (sheesh!), but we're able to do an earlier shipment called Unaccompanied Baggage. This is a smaller amount of things we choose to have shipped to Germany months before we actually move, that way we won't be without the more necessary things (bed linens, dishes, cookware, etc.) for the first few months of our stay. Then the rest of our belongings would arrive months afterward.

So today, we will set all of this up! Wow! We're movin' right along. And I'm sure that the first time is the trickiest since this is all new to us! Next time we move, I'm sure we'll be old pros :)

Also, some interesting news I stumbled upon... Nicholas Cage owns a castle 20 minutes south of Vilseck! Imagine living in this 500 year old Neidstein Castle, with 28 rooms & 400 acres of forest and grassland! Hmm... I'm not going to get my hopes up about Don & I living in anything even remotely similar when we get there! But maybe Nick will have us over?! :)

I just went to Germany's tourism website to look around and found an awesome page with panoramic views of German cities, castles, gardens, etc. It's really neat! Unfortunately, there are no videos for Vilseck, but you can look at other sights in the area! Vilseck is only about 2 hours east of Munich, in the southeastern part of the country. Have a look for yourself! I cannot wait to visit these gorgeous places!!!

Once I got started looking things up online, I couldn't stop! Here is a picture of the Inn we will be staying in once we arrive. The Army will pay for us to stay here for up to a month while we wait for our housing to become available. Who knows if we'll be here the full month (or more!), but that is just part of the adventure! Looks like a cozy spot! The Kristall Inn is on post in Vilseck.

I'll keep you all updated about our progress!