Tuesday, April 3, 2012

On The Edge Of Your Seat...

I bet you have no idea when I'm going to write next...because I sure don't know! I've become a bit of a stranger to Blogger, but...maybe that adds to my charm? :)

Georgia is HOT. And it's only just April. I have never been this tan at this time of year. And with this little effort! (By tan, I mean not so pasty. Ok, actually...I'm kinda tan! Wahoo!) I'm not a shorts kinda girl, but I've been in em every day for a few weeks now! So...I'm tan AND brave :)

I met a great girl from here who recommended a salon downtown & it is fabulous! Got the best haircut I've had in years, plus a shellac manicure. Have you tried these yet? I feel guilty about the box of regular polish under our bed, but shellac can't be beat!

Don was gone for a bit, but is now home again, putting me all back together! Life in Georgia is getting better (& hotter) all the time!

Thanks to those of you who participated in the Saturday Around The World blog share! I'll pick one of you randomly to be my Featured Blogger! (Oh my, on my phone, that came up as Featured Booger! Good thing I've had my coffee so I can pay attention! Bahaha!)

Gotta go clean now! My brother-in-law & his lovely girlfriend are coming for a visit today!

Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday Around The World!

Woohoo! It's Saturday & I've remembered to post a "Saturday Around The World" for all of you! And for me too, because I have fun seeing where my readers are from & getting to peek at your blogs while I'm at it!  :)  It's a nice Georgia morning here as I sit sipping coffee from a Czech pottery coffee mug that we bought in Prague.  *sigh*  I wish that I could really travel today!  Where would you go?!

How To Travel!

1} Be a follower of {Amanda & Don}.

2} Add your wonderful blog to the list.

3} Visit two blogs & leave each a comment saying 1} that you're visiting from "Saturday Around The World", & 2} where you are writing from!

4} Leave me a comment here letting me know what two blogs you visited & where the writer of each blog is from!  You're now entered for a chance to be my Weekly Featured Blogger!  I'll write up a little review of your Blog right here for all the world to see :)

5} For an extra chance to win, mention Saturday Around The World in your next blog post & leave me the link in a comment!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Georgia Heat

Right now, we're having an absolute downpour! And I love it, along with the crashing thunder! Oooo! But until tonight, our weather has been plain old hot & humid!

I'm talking 88 or 89 all this last week! So hot that the dogs seek shade whenever outside (even at the dog park!) & a cute little frog has taken up residency in my cool mailbox. Much to my surprise the first day I found him! ...oh, & the flowers? Just a little something I did inside today to stay cool :)

And to think...it's not even April yet. Thank goodness for American air conditioning!! Why so many Europeans go without it, I'll never know...

Back to my popcorn, chai, book (American Assassin by Vince Flynn), & rainstorm! Goodnight!

(And thank you all for your comments lately! After my long hiatus, I'm surprised that I still have readers! Thank you! And tell Mr what I do that somehow keeps you coming back!)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Well Traveled Home

I miss Europe. I miss traveling. I miss the beautiful sounds of foreign languages around me, the customs of the local people, their foods, their specialties. I miss the slow & content way of life there, the "biding your time over a cappuccino with a friend" mentality.

I've about finished putting our new home together, save two spare rooms upstairs that are still in need of furniture! While decorating, picking out fabrics, framing new artwork, I was subconsciously striving to create a getaway in our home. A Portugal, a Croatia, an Italy, a Sweden. An Africa, Prague, Salzburg, a Dublin. An Istanbul. A Germany.

I'm enjoying Georgia, but I realized that I don't want a home decorated for the South. I want a "well traveled home", as I now call it.

And so I've hung Polish pottery on the walls of my kitchen, scattered Moorish lanterns around the house, displayed our African animals, Portuguese cockerel, Swedish Dala horse, etc. on the mantle in the living room, hung framed watercolors of Portofino in the Guest Room, put Bougainvillea on the patio, laid our Turkish carpet in the bedroom...

We may never get our European life back, but I'm thankful that wherever the Army takes us, I can always take our Well Traveled Home, & that hopefully it takes us back, even just a bit, to the places that we've loved together.