Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Weekly Featured Blogger: In The Military & On The Move!

And this week's winner is...In The Military & On The Move!  Congratulations, Susan, on being the randomly chosen winner for this week's featured blog!  Thank you so much for your participation in Saturday Around The World !  That's what got you picked, after all!  And hopefully it got you some fun new reads & new readers too!  From all around the world!

 My Five Reasons Why You Should Be Reading This Blog!
  1. Susan & her adorable family {handsome husband & two cute little girls!} currently live in beautiful Germany on the Army's dime!  Ooh, this sounds familiar!

  2. She really tells it like it is!  No fluff on this blog, just pure thoughts & experiences to share!

  3. Once a week, Susan has "Post It Note Tuesday" where her post is composed entirely of thoughts on Post-It-Notes!

  4. Living in Europe means travel!  So head on over & see where this family has been!

  5. An Army family's life is always full of unexpected surprises & opportunities!  Who knows what Susan will share with us next!
I've made a cute button for all those who I feature here!  So Susan, dear, feel free to look at it & smile or post it on your blog to link back here to my post about you!  You earned it!

 Make sure to join in on the fun this Saturday as we have another blog party!  Who knows, maybe I will feature you next time, dear!  ♥
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