Thursday, October 7, 2010

Postable Jewelry

How would you like to receive a cute postcard in the mail that not only holds the words of a friend or loved one but also holds the pieces for a new ring?! London based designer Nutre Arayavanish has made just the thing: Postable Jewelry.  These pretty postcards are made of wood & can easily be sent through the mail to their happy recipient!  You just pop out the pieces, put them together, & slide your new ring onto your finger!  I thought this was adorable -- & oh so creative!

Images from Nutre Arayavanish's website

Now, I know you wouldn't wear this "diamond ring" to your next cocktail party, but that doesn't make it any less fun! I'd love to open my mailbox & find one of these wooden whimsies waiting for me!  Postable Jewelry can be purchased at Tender Product {London} & SF MOMA {San Francisco}.

post signature

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