Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pretty Sleepy Sunday + Saturday Around The World!

At 3:30 PM, it is still only 50 degrees here in beautiful Bavaria. The sun has finally shown his face, but he hasn't added any warmth to our day! Still, I bundled up {out comes one winter coat!} & took Layla & Lucius on a thirty minute walk through the paths & fields behind our house. Beautiful, isn't it?! Now, they are fast asleep & I'm warm inside. I do think I'll go find my slippers, though! ♥

Don't forget to enter your blog in my new Saturday Around The World listing for a chance to be featured here on {Amanda & Don}!  You can enter until Tuesday @ midnight EST.  I'm having so much fun reading the comments so far & seeing photos for those who have participated!  You ladies are truly lovely & deserve these new followers that you are getting!  Yay!
And on another note, today I am the guest blogger over at the wonderful {Life of Meg} blog! Meg is a dear friend of mine from college, so it was especially fun when she asked me to write a post for her! And you'll never guess the topic I chose... Travel tips & experience!  That doesn't sound a bit like me, now does it?!  :)  Head on over to check out my post as well as her blog!  You will love everything she writes about, I'm sure!
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