Saturday, September 25, 2010

Introducing: Saturday Around The World!

I have discovered so many fabulous blogs written by you, yes you!  And I wouldn't have ever found your blogs if you hadn't found mine!  So I've decided that it's about time that I provide a fun way for you all to share your blogs with each other & find new readers!  I've come up with this little plan: every Saturday will be "Saturday Around The World"!  After all, here I sit in Germany, there you sit in your own little corner of the world, & yet here we are together!  Amazing, isn't it?  I know I have readers in Australia, England, Scotland, & of course the United States!  So let's travel to new blogs, shall we?!  I bet that you will soon have some new favorite reads, & hopefully new followers too!  Everyone likes that! ♥

How To Travel!

1} You must be a follower of {Amanda & Don} to participate.

2} Click the link below to add your wonderful blog to the list.

3} Visit two blogs from the list & leave each one a comment saying:

a} That you're visiting from Amanda & Don's "Saturday Around The World", & 
b} Where you are writing from!

4} Return to this post & leave a comment letting me know what two blogs you visited & where the writer of each blog is from!
    Each week, I will randomly pick one of the participants & feature them in a post!  I can't wait to spread the news about all of your great blogs!

    The link is now open {hey, it's Saturday here in Germany!} & will close on Tuesday at midnight Eastern Time.  It will be fun to see how many states & countries we cover!  Happy Traveling!
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