Woohoo! I have all my curtains up! I had to go to IKEA for the second time in a week {giggle all you want, but it was necessary! Yes, necessary!} to get more curtains because the two panels I got on Monday for he living room weren't nearly wide enough to cover the windows! So &euros;40 {okay, plus a bit more for some sweet smelling candles!} & some hemming later, my living room looks great! Here is an internet photo of the curtains, & I'll try to take a picture of the living room tomorrow when the sun is out! For house photos I posted a while ago, go here & here!
It's a bit of a modern pinecone pattern, or at least that's what I'm calling it :) I really like it! The print is enough to add interest, yet subtle enough with the color that it easily blends with the room. It looks great with my paper lantern lights, dark wood furniture, creamy fuzzy pillows & turquoise pillows! Just imagine that! No, don't...I'll post a picture tomorrow :)
In the bedroom, I got simple creamy gold curtains. The room feels very soft & warm, but not plain! I'm so happy with it! Pictures of that room coming too!
All in all, it has been a great week for making improvements on the house! It wasn't anything huge, but I'd been wanting to finish my curtains for months! It's amazing how easy some things are that we put off! Why is that?!
My good friend Hayley accompanied me to IKEA both times! She just recently moved here, so she needs her fair share of goodies too. It was so much fun to spend time with her and be productive! You're wonderful, Hayley!
I love these curtains! What a pretty pattern :)