Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Gettin' Miss Piggy With It!

First of all, gosh, am I out of the loop!!  I had no idea that there was a new Muppets movie in the works!  Also, I hadn't heard until today that OPI was basing their new nail polish collection on our favorite little furry puppets!  :)  So, it was good news all around!  I remember watching the original Muppet movies when I was little, & I have to confess that they still crack me up, along with all the new movies that have been added to the Muppet collection.  And I've been wearing pretty much only OPI nail color since, well...  since I started painting my nails!  So this combo is going to be a lot of fun!  Plus, I'm really getting a kick out of the nail polish color names!  OPI, how do you do it?!

From the OPI Facebook Page: "This November polish your nails in hues as festive as the holidays with OPI's much-anticipated Muppets collection. Loaded with glitters and shimmers, this collection is packed with punch! (Left to right): Animal-istic, Meep-Meep-Meep, Wocka Wocka, Pepes Purple Passion, Designers De Better, Warm and Fozzie, Rainbow Connection, Excuse Moi, Gone Gonzo, Fresh Frog of Bel Air, Divine Swine and Gettin' Miss Piggy With It."

I don't know what it is with me & sparkles right now, but I just have the urge to paint Rainbow Connection on my fingers & toes!  Let me know what you get!
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