Monday, July 25, 2011


Well, I certainly feel as though I've been away from Blogger for a while... The entire site has changed!  Whoa!  Time to get back into the swing of things & try to stay more up-to-date.  I do like the new feel though, do you?  There's something nice about changing things up a bit, I think.  Although, this weekend, our neighborhood had no hot water, so we changed it up by showering at the gym.  Nice to know that was temporary!

It's been quite a week here.  My wonderful brother's two week visit came to an end last Wednesday.  We had such an awesome time with him, visiting Istanbul & touring around the Bavarian countryside!  {I'll post some pics at some point!}  The bad part came right after seeing him off at the Munich Airport.  As I was driving on the autobahn through the rain, a car pulling a trailer must not have seen me in my little Mini, because out they pulled...right in front of me.  *smack*  *wince*  *ugh*  I pulled off at the next gas station stop, still in shock, expecting that they'd follow me in.  But nope.  They drove on.  As of today, the Polezei {German police} still have not found them.  It was a rotten day, but after having to take the train as close to home as possible, Don picked me up with a yummy German pastry in hand & a bouquet of baby roses :)  Bad things happen & there's not usually any way to prevent them.  But when you have a wonderful loving husband to help you through, you know you'll always make it :)

I hope you all are doing great & enjoy your summers!  I've talked about our travels, but where have you been this summer?  Where do you plan to go for some r&r?!  Or, I suppose, where do you dream of visiting?

All images can be found at my Tumblr page, It's A Keeper, which has seen some changes too!
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