Monday, January 24, 2011

Far Off Places, Adventurous Lands

I usually go through phases of wanting to stay at home & wanting to go out & explore the world! Lately, with Don being gone, I've typically been in my "stay at home" phase. Traveling just isn't nearly as much fun when he isn't with me!  But now that the end of the deployment is in sight, we've been throwing around lots of different ideas about where to travel when he comes home!  A safari in Africa {I'm dreaming it to be Out Of Africa style!}, perhaps a cruise across the Black Sea...or even an Historian themed tour through Romania & Bulgaria!  {Have you read the book The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova?  Ooh, it's a quick page-turner about a modern day search for Vlad Dracula!  Mwahahaha!!  Okay...I admit...there were a few nights of reading it while Don was gone that I had to put it down!  Too scary!  But I couldn't stop!  And a tour to see the places mentioned in the book would be oh so cool!  Don's idea :)}

Bulgaria's Batchkovo Monastery

Romania's Sighişoara
Ooh, the sights to be seen from the deck of a Black Sea cruise!
The beautiful Chiawa Camp in Zambia, Africa!
Again at the Chiawa Camp in Zambia -- yes, please!
So many incredible places to see, so little time!  And not enough money...grr.  Want to donate to our travel fund?!  :)
What is your favorite place you've traveled to?  And if you could go anywhere in the world,  where would it be?  Would you want to see the elephants in Africa with me?!! 
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