Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011: The Year I've Been Waiting For!

Finally, the year has come when my sweetie & I will be reunited! ...Does that sound like a tag line for a movie or what?!  But it's true!  Now we will no longer have to say, "We'll be back together next year."  Instead, it's "See you this year!!"  And tomorrow is the 7 month mark of this deployment!  We're over halfway done, baby!  Hooray for 2011!!

Here's to 2011 & all the wonderful things it has in store for each of us!  What are you most looking forward to this year?!  ♥
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  1. Yay!!!! This makes me smile so big! Keep hangin' in there, girly, you're doing great!!! :)

  2. I'm looking forward to welcoming my husband back too! We're just over 6 months now.

  3. yay for 2011! it will be a marvelous year indeed

  4. Happy to hear you've hit the halfway mark! Cheers to 2011!
    And there's a little something for you over on my blog, come by and pick it up :-)


Thank you for your comments! I love reading each & every one!