Friday, November 26, 2010

Weekly Featured Blogger: Mariel's Window!

We have a truly lovely featured blogger this week!  Congratulations to Mariel & her beautiful blog, Mariel's Window, for being the randomly chosen winner!  I love this time of the week because I always have so much fun digging a little deeper into the blogs written by all of you, my fabulous readers!  Plus, it gives me a chance to say thank you & hopefully get you some new readers of your own!  So, without further ado....

My Five Reasons Why You Should Be Reading This Blog!
1.  Mariel posts the most beautiful photos that will really touch your heart, from romantic elopement moments to sentiments we can all relate to to her weekly Wedding Wednesday beauties!

2.  Mariel is a pre-med student in the Midwest & she's in a long distance relationship with her sweetheart.  So many of us can relate to the distance!  And yet she somehow finds the time to keep up with her blog, giving us a peek through her window & into her life!

3.  "Mariel's Ateliers" is a new shop opening soon that sells all sorts of fun gifts!

4.  If you read Mariel's blog frequently enough, she may let you in on a fun secret or two ;)  I'm intrigued by the one I read!

5. Whether she's filling you in on dorm life, her latest Chemistry tests, or her favorite quotes & photos, Mariel shares her lovely life with her readers in a way that will have you coming back to see what she posts next!
I've made a cute button for all my Featured Bloggers, so Mariel dear, feel free to look at it & smile or post it on your blog to link back here to my post about you!  You earned it!  Just copy the HTML code below & paste it into a new Blogger HTML Gadget for your sidebar!  And voila!  ♥

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