Friday, November 5, 2010

Surprise! I'm In The USA! Hello, My Lovely Family!

I'm writing this from my parents' gorgeous home overlooking the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado! Oooh, what a beautiful sight & what a fabulous feeling to be home with my family! I flew in yesterday {what a long flight that was! Lots of time for knitting!} & felt my heart flutter as I passed under the "Welcome To The United States" sign at DIA! I can't believe it's been almost a year since I've been back in America!  After going through security, out the doors I went & there was my lovely family, waiting for me! I won't lie, I got teary just seeing them! I didn't have to be tough anymore, I was home!! Home sweet home!

 I'm feeling pretty much no jetlag, which is fantastic! Although I woke up bright & early with a tummy saying "I'm supposed to have had lunch by now!"  Well, time for eating at my favorite restaurants, doing some shopping, buying goodies to send to Don, & spending lots of time with the ones I love! I'd like to be with Don most of all, but when that isn't possible, family is definitely second best! I love them!

And when I came into the house, a giant smile covered my face as I saw a vase of a dozen beautiful red roses waiting for me. From Don. With the sweetest note ♥ I love you, sweetheart! I'm such a lucky girl to have you for my husband!!  I'm still melting :)

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