Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Heart Is Oh So Ready!

You probably won't be hearing much from me for a while starting pretty soon! Don't worry; it's for a very {very very very VERY!} good reason.  Alright, I can't hold it in.  If you want to know where I'll be, here it is: I'll be in the arms of my sweetheart!  ♥  And we'll be together in Portugal!  Ooh, I cannot wipe the grin off of my face!  Four months of this deployment are behind us, which is quite a milestone!  But it's the longest we've ever been apart, & I'm so anxious to have him home again, by my side, back where he belongs!  Now, I wait by my phone  ♥  I am the happiest girl in the world!  And the most excited!  Oh, I'm going to be pacing while I wait for him at the airport!!!

I may post once or twice here & there, but I can't make any promises! While I'm away, I hope that you all have wonderful days & fabulous weekends! If you get lonely, remember all our lovely bloggers from Saturday Around The World!  {And you still have over 24 hours so participate this week!  Join in on the par-tay!}  Go to them for your blog fix! But don't forget about me! :)  I promise I'll share photos & stories when I return!

My nails are painted, the house is clean, my heart is oh so ready!  I will talk to you all later!!

Don't forget to enter your blog in my new Saturday Around The World listing for a chance to be featured here on {Amanda & Don}!  You can enter until Tuesday @ midnight EST.  We're having fuuuun, aren't we?!  My lovely readers around the globe have the best blogs!

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