Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Travel Tuesday: Munich & Beer!

Oh, München!  The city of delicious beer & beautiful buildings!  Here you'll see me at the Hofbräuhaus, the 1 Million Dollar Pagani that we saw on the ridiculously expensive street of Maximilianstraße, a photo of a lovely window boxed building downtown on the Marienplatz, a fresh fruit stand, the famous Glockenspiel, the inside of one of the many gorgeous churches, & a photo out the window on our drive to Salzburg, Austria -- which is next up!  Enjoy!  Oh, & don't mind my hair!  We had just arrived back into Germany from London & it had been a busy travel morning :)  Mmm, I think I'm craving a Radler now.  Or better yet, a Russen!

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