Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Seeing Plaid & Highland Heroines

I don't know if it's the Autumn crispness in the air & the changing colors of the leaves, or my sudden love for all things Scottish {courtesy of Diana Gabaldon's incredible page-turners of the Outlander series!  I'm on book two!}, but I am certainly seeing plaid!  Ooh, it just brings to mind a feeling of warmth & coziness!  The other day, I even went out to a crowded little odds & ends shop in my German town to buy plaid ribbon.  I will use it to hang my heart wreath on the door once the weather cools even more.  I think I'll also use it to tie a cute bow around the rear-view in the Mini!  Yes, I told you that I'm seeing plaid.  Convinced?!

Images from top left: J. Crew catalog cover 2008, the following four photos from Perfect Bound, & the final photo of beautiful plaid blankets courtesy of Katy Elliott.

And really, dears, if you love to read & are looking for delicious new Outlander!  You'll be turning pages faster than you thought you knew how, dreaming of the Highlands & all its tartan, & seeing your living room clad in plaid -- just as I am!  Oh, the heroes & heroines galloping across the Scottish countryside, making their way to their cozy little Scottish homes!  I think you get the point...  Onward...

Images courtesy of Matters of Style.

One of my lovely new readers is Pammy over at Reflectorville.  She lives in Scotland with her husband, & they just celebrated their first wedding anniversary!  Congratulations, dear!  Your wedding photos make me swoon!
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