Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy Thoughts, Pretty Photos

I'm still sick {boo hiss!}, but wanted to share some pretty photos with you all before I head off to bed with my book & my cup of tea...& my box of Kleenex.  Ah, go away, you mean little bug!  Leave me in peace so that I can leave my house!  My doggies would like to have a nice long walk, & I'm supposed to be keeping busy, remember?!

I mustered up enough energy today to drive to Post so that I could mail a box to my hunny!  He needed a few things & I wanted to get them to him as fast as possible!  Considering the fact that mail & goodies only get delivered to him twice a month, the sooner I get a box in the mail, the better!  By the time I got home, though, I was wiped out!  But at least my box was on its way to my sweetie!  ♥

Can you believe that it's almost Fall?  Well, here in Bavaria, I think that it actually is Fall.  The hot summer days haven't been around for a while {hooray, for Germans have no air conditioning!} & instead we are left with cozy rainy days in their place.  Today, it was actually a chilly 55 degrees!  And I don't mind!  Except that maybe the rain is responsible for this dreadful cold...

Can't you just imagine snuggling up in this cozy place?!  Oh, I just love it!
Did you know that my last post received more comments than I think I have ever had before?!  You all must really like tea!  :)  Oh, that made me smile!  Even through the coughs & sniffles!  Thank you all!  You are wonderful & so cheery!  Welcome to my new & lovely readers!  This next photo is for all of you!  New & old!  Xox!

And it's TRUE!
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