Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hand Me Some Tissues, Bitte

Yuck. I'm sick.  Oh, & "bitte" means please in German.  Please, hand me some tissues!  I've been fighting off this bug for weeks now, but last night it conquered me. I woke up with a pounding headache & a nose that wasn't allowing me to breathe! After letting the dogs out & giving them their breakfast, it was back to bed for us all. I spent the remainder of this rainy day watching some of Ugly Betty Season 4 {can you believe they canceled this show? I love it!}, reading, drinking many cups of tea, & waiting anxiously for my call from Afghanistan. How surprising :)  {Tonight, Don told me all about the mice that have become their newest room mates.  Desert mice.  How nice!  Although, probably not so clean...  Mice, be gone!}

 After a bubble bath & some more reading { the fun Shopoholic-esque  Little Lady, Big Apple }, I got an ice cream craving.  Lucky for me, I had Ben & Jerry's Phish Food {my favorite!} in the fridge.  So I'm eating a few spoonfuls as I write.  Think it will cure me?!

Psst -- If you visited the blog within the last 24 hours, you may have noticed I made some big changes.  And then...changed it back.  That sounds like me--playing around & then deciding I liked it better the old way!  But you will notice a few new things!  In the sidebar, you can now see a photo list of the the countries we've visited & I've blogged about!  More to come, I assure you.

Psst #2 -- Can I do that?  Well, anyway, it's my blog, so yes!  I can!  But, are my posts far too random?  Do tell!  I can spruce up!  I can!

{ Thanks to those of you who recommended that I read the book Outlander!  I read more about it & it looks like my kind of read!  A series + romance + history + Scotland + time travel?!  Let's just say that this book was quickly added to my "Can I Have It Next, Please?" list at the library.  Thank you! }

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