Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Coffee Remedy & Napping With Danes

So, it turns out that PWOC is taking their two week "Back To School" break right now, so my friend & I were out of luck this morning! We did meet a nice lady who normally attends, though! I'm excited to be able to give this new Bible Study a try -- & at the beginning too!  ♥  Since we were already together, we decided to remedy the situation with coffee!  That's a nice way to start the day!

Now, that's better!

I must admit, though...  I did end up taking a nap with my doggies this afternoon.  Don't judge!  It was a rainy day, perfect for napping!  And I accomplished a lot afterward :)

Lucius at14 months...& about 130 pounds...  What a big baby!

I hope that you all had a nice Tuesday!  Cheerio!  {Said in my Queen's English as I pop off to fetch my tea!}

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