My brother & I crossed off one of his Germany "To-Dos" today: we went shopping at
Jack Wolfskin! If you haven't heard of it, don't be alarmed. This company is strictly European! Think of it as
Europe's version of North Face... Fantastic quality outdoor gear, coat & jackets, gloves & backpacks, etc. It's what you see the Germans wearing, but if you have it on the States, well... people will wonder where you did your fabulous shopping! they're just jackets...but their logo is a
paw print, & so to me this brand is extra awesome! Can't you just see me, a
Great Dane on a leash in each hand, out walking through the German
countryside while wearing my new Jack Wolfskin?! Well, not now in this
94 degree heat, of course! Phew!
My brother got a jacket that is very similar to mine {with the paw print on the back--it could belong to Lucius!} & a wind jacket too. Scratch this off the list! But for now, my new jacket {which I got in a dark chocolate brown} will have to wait for Autumn... Oh, that sounds so nice right now. Is it winter yet?! I'm ready for snow instead of this wretched heat!
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