Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy Anniversary, Sweetie! + Army's Birthday!

Welcome to all of my new readers! Thank you so much for stopping by & for seeing something here in my humble little writings :) I really appreciate all of your sweet notes lately & all your encouraging words! Please, stick around & see what happens here! ♥

Two years ago today, my dream came true: I married my best friend & the love of my life! At the time, I thought our relationship was so good that it couldn't possibly get any better or any stronger, but it grew more perfect every day!  And even today, as we celebrate together while we're thousands of miles apart, I can still say that I couldn't possibly be more happy!  When you are this much in love, you know you can get through anything together!  Thank you, Don, for being my husband & for making my life so incredibly wonderful!  I love you more than anything in this world  ♥  Here's to many many more years of wedded bliss!

June 14, 2008: I love you, Don!

This is quite possibly my favorite picture of us from our Wedding ♥
.:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:.

We didn't know it at the time {wait, or maybe we did!}, but June 14th is also the Army's Birthday!  How appropriate, right?!  And so, Happy 235th Birthday to the United States Army!  Thank you, more importantly, to all of those who have served this great country, past & present, along with their families who are just as brave!

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