Wednesday, June 30, 2010

*Click Click*

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could just click our heels together & have our greatest wish come true? To make the time pass more quickly, or to grant complete safety to those we love. For the world to live in peace or for our families to be together. Alright, I'd like to have all of these wishes come true, along with one more very important one: I'd like to have my husband back with me, please ♥

A beautiful pair of shoes to click my heels in...
All is well here, though, & the first three weeks are now behind us! How quickly they have gone! I think my trip to Italy helped the time pass. Maybe I should do more traveling for that very reason!  Well, I am going to London with my brother in two weeks :)

Did you ever make these little stars when you were a kid?  I had a jar full!
And now to help pass the time, I will draw myself a bubble bath & do some good reading!  That will help me fall asleep so that I can put yet another day behind me!  And hooray, I have a busy few days coming up!  And hip hip hooray, I am hearing from Don almost every day!  Ooh, & apparently I rhyme spontaneously too!

I love bubble baths!  They really relax me.  Especially when I add in a good book & a face mask!  Oh, & two Great Danes who like to hunt for my feet under the water & lick the bubbles!
Hope that all of your wishes come true, my lovely readers ♥

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