Thursday, May 13, 2010

And After All This Time...

I'm still in awe when I see Don in uniform. We started dating in the fall of 2004, which means that I've been around him in uniform for almost 6 years! And for that same amount of time, I've frequently been surrounded by large groups of men in uniform, along with other aspects of the Military: helicopters & fighter jets, artillery guns & Humvees, tanks & strykers.  You would think that after all this time, I would be used to it, right?  Not a bit.  Sure, it's no longer fresh & new when I see these things, but I am always still in awe when I see them.  Or hear them, for that matter!  How can you not just stop & watch in admiration when you see our servicemen & women?  Especially when your spouse is among them.

Today, there is a Ceremony on Post that I will be attending, along with the rest of the families of the Regiment.  I know that today will hold true with what I just said.  When the soldiers of the Regiment walk onto the Parade Grounds in their uniforms, I know I will get goosebumps.  When the Chaplain says the opening prayer, I know I will get teary eyed.  And when I see my incredible husband out there among the see of ACUs, I know that my heart will flutter & my eyes will mist once again.

Prayer For A Soldier

If ever there was a time for a prayer to be heard.
And now is the time, to hear every word.
Now that our boys called soldiers have gone,
Please march with them and keep them strong.
Stand beside them if they have to fight,
And in the darkness be their light.
Don’t desert them, march in their faith,
So they’ll be here when the morning breaks.

Bring them home safe and sound,
Across the waters to peaceful ground.
Home to loved ones, mother’s wives, daughters, sons,
Bless them all, each and every one.

They stand for freedom and make our flag true,
These boys called soldiers for the red, white and blue.
A prayer for a soldier, please let it be heard,
And please Lord, hear every word.

A prayer for a soldier, with the job to be done,
Please bring them home, these soldiers, your sons.
Please bring them home, these soldiers, your sons.

{Bill Walsh, Linda Beers, Matt Twain}

I know that my Trust in God is stronger than all of my Fears.  And I have asked Him to please give Don my angels, to watch over him whenever he is away from me.  What an incredible God we have; what an incredible Nation we belong to; what an incredible husband I love.
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