Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Montenegro, Perhaps?!

If Don were home, there's no way I'd still be awake at 12:16 in the morning. But he's gone. And here I sit, unwilling to go crawl into bed by myself, even if I do read for a while before shutting off the lights. There's something...very sobering about being in bed alone, & I just don't feel like facing that quite yet.

Instead, I shall post photos of Montenegro! This tiny country lies just south of Croatia, & seeing how Don & I will be in the southernmost part of Croatia in May {I just booked our hotel!  Woohoo!} for 6 days, we're tossing around the idea of a quick day-trip to Montenegro!  From Dubrovnik, the major city in the south, I believe it is only about 1 hour to get to Montenegro.  And I mean, honestly...  How many people can say that they have been to Montenegro?  That would be pretty cool, right?  It's absolutely gorgeous too!  I would love to go here!

Sveti Stefan, Montenegro from Miriadna.Com

Have any of you been to Montenegro?!  As Don & I say to each other, we are ready to go 'splorin! 
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  1. its lovely, i can't sleep either when my hubby's deployed. i often times will have the TV on later at night just to not feel so alone. If he is here beside me, I can fall asleep at 9. Hope you all are getting to talk.

  2. I know just what you mean, Erin! I keep the TV on late at night too, usually. And I stay busy until I'm tired enough to fall asleep. It's never fun having your sweetie gone! ♥


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