Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Friday! // Not Another Snow Mountain!

Happy Friday!  What are your plans for the weekend?  Anything exciting, or just the excitement of being able to stay home & relax?  Both are wonderful in my book!  For us, we have some of both.  Tomorrow, Don's Squadron is having their Ball, which I'm really excited for because I love dressing up with him.  We don't get to do that very often, with his Dress Blues and all, so I really enjoy it when we get the chance!  Other than that, though, we're going to be sleeping in & relaxing together!  Mmm, I love the weekends

Just another pretty picture from PrettyGood for you to enjoy!

So, remember my post a few days back about the snow mound in our yard that Lucius now knows he can use as an escape route?  {Well, more like a "meet & greet new friends" route!  He doesn't bolt, thank goodness!}  Well, when we came back from Sweden, another pile had been added to our yard, & this one is more like a mountain!  "Why our yard?!", I ask.  The other day, I came home from the gym to see this excitement taking place in the street right beside our yard, & I was terrified that this trailer full of snow was about to be ours too!  Thank goodness, after the doggies {who were so good & didn't bark!} & I watched the activity, the truck with the trailer drove off down the road.  Phew!!

 Now, imagine my Great Danes perched atop that snow mountain watching passersby.  Hmm!

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